Another Alpha Channel Experiment
My infatuation with alpha channels is growing
Stressing out
Stress! That’s my aim. I wanted to go further than last time. It’s clear to me that time is an important element as the last sketch felt disconnected and loose. This has much more of a satisfying, disconcerting* feel to it. Whenever I use it I feel like I’m becoming more stressed just by appearing and moving in the image. It almost makes you want to stop moving.
I suspect this won’t be the end of my interest in alpha channels. I’ve been looking at an awful lot of old VHS covers on pinterest which may have something to do with it.
It works by allowing the red alpha channel to move around in real time but only occasionally capturing the blue and green channels’ frames. They also have a blend mode applied to them as appeared in the previous sketch.
Hopefully I’ll be able to produce a p5js version some time soon so I can share it around but until then I’ll settle for just listening to Carpenter Brut until my ears bleed –
* Forgive the oxymoron
Some Bonus Mistakes